Our structured seminars consist of breathing exercises in the Chinese tradition, Qi Gong, movement and meditation.
You will learn to use movement, breathing and awareness in order to feel and channel the flow of your vital energy, thus overcoming energy blockages.
The seminar material is equal to an independent health program which will accompany you for the rest of your life.
It is the goal of our seminar teachers to ensure that participants will be able to continue doing the exercises once they have returned home.
Instruction material such as audio and video cassettes are also provided for this purpose.
Excerpts from the seminar:
- The 10 simple movements of revitalization and longevity, a mystical rejuvenation method practiced at the court of the Chinese emperor
- Taoist meditations which open all body channels and meridians. These meditations lead in a natural way to the „Qi Gong – State“, a specific state of deep relaxation that boosts wellbeing and holistic selftherapy.
- The theory of the „five elements“ and their applications in everyday life
- The „six healing sounds„
- Self-massage for the enhancement of your senses, skin, digestive and nervous systems
- Collecting the Qi of Nature and pouring the seven Chakras

Dr. Jorgos Pappas, M.Sc., Ph.D. in Control Systems, Imperial College of London. Work as Research Assistant at Imperial College, University of Kaiserlautern and Bremen dept. of mathematics. At the age of 30 he is invited to work as Professor at the dept. of mathematics, Univ. of Ibadan in Nigeria. Following an inner impulse he gives up his promising academic cariere. The next 10 years he travels around the world and visits various Qi Gong and Meditation teachers. In 1993 comes back to Greece and creates „ILIOHOOS – The School of Simple Living“ on the mountain Pilion. Since then he lives on Pilion researching and teaching about the life energy Qi and its applications for a better life.

Lina Kasviki
Address Aub
Marktplatz 3 D-97239 Aub iliohoos@gmail.com
+49 1718476581, +30 6973410376
Address Berlin
Netzestrasse 19
D-12051 Berlin
e-mail: iliohoos@gmail.com
Tel: +49 17657832795