Qi Gong Teachers

Dr. Jorgos Pappas, M.Sc., Ph.D. in Control Systems, Imperial College of London. Work as Research Assistant at Imperial College, University of Kaiserlautern and Bremen dept. of mathematics. At the age of 30 he is invited to work as Professor at the dept. of mathematics, Univ. of Ibadan in Nigeria. Following an inner impulse he gives up his promising academic cariere. The next 10 years he travels around the world and visits various Qi Gong and Meditation teachers. In 1993 comes back to Greece and creates „ILIOHOOS – The School of Simple Living“ on the mountain Pilion. Since then he lives on Pilion researching and teaching about the life energy Qi and its applications for a better life.

Lucy Ratzel machte sich nach dem Abitur im Einzelhandel selbständig. In dieser stress- und arbeitsreichen Zeit wuchs ihre Sehnsucht nach Ruhe und Selbsterkenntnis. Sie begann Qigong zu üben, was ihr Leben veränderte. Jahrelanges Praktizieren der Qigong und Chan Mi Gong-Übungen von Meisterin Xiao Yan Liu, Großmeister Hong Thay Lee und Dr. Zuzana Sebkova-Thaller bewirkten tiefe, ergreifende Erlebnisse und Erkenntnisse. Ihr wurde bewusst, dass unsere größten Probleme in uns selbst und in der Welt aus dem Gefühl des Getrenntseins entstehen. Es ist ihr ein besonderes Anliegen, Menschen wieder an ihr

Verbundensein zu erinnern und die uralten kraftvollen Übungen weiterzugeben. Während dieser Jahre machte sie auch eine Ausbildung in „Shin Tai“, erlernte hier die Essenzen aus Shiatsu, Chi Nei Tsang, Cranio Sakral und Unwinding (Bindegewebsarbeit).

Lucy gibt Kurse, Seminare und Fortbildungen in Deutschland und Griechenland.

Lina Kasviki-Pappas, born in 1962, has studied topography at the University of Thessaloniki. She has learnt Qigong, Yoga, Thai- and Ayurvedic massage in Thailand and India. A member of greek folk dances groups.

Basu is an experienced yoga teacher. He has been giving yoga, qi gong and meditation seminars in India, Thailand and Greece for many years. In 1997 Basu met his first yoga teacher on a Greek beach; this was the beginning of an inner journey. Since then he has spent many years in India and Thailand studying and practicing, and has developed the skill to direct others into a beneficial practice. He has received direct teachings from different teachers in Kriya Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Vipassana and Qi Gong. And has studied some of the main philosophies of India including Sankhya, Vedanta, Tantric philosophy, Dharma and Madhyamika teachings. Basu is born 1965 in Denmark, he has a university degree in electronics and a bachelor in finance and worked as a software developer before venturing to Asia.

Lina Kasviki

Address Aub

Marktplatz 3 D-97239 Aub iliohoos@gmail.com
+49 1718476581, +30 6973410376

Address Berlin

Netzestrasse 19
D-12051 Berlin
e-mail: iliohoos@gmail.com
Tel: +49 17657832795

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